Preto F

Preto F - Polished

Preto F - Polished

Properties of product

Charateristics NP EN 1341 /NP EN 1342 /NP EN 1343 Test Method
Description petrografic  Colour: cinzento-escuro, mesocrata
Texture: holocristalina, fanerítica, granula fina;
Composition Mineralogical: feldspatos, anfibola e biotite;
EN 12407:2007
Bending Strength  V.M. = 27,8 MPa
V.M.E. = 24,3 MPa
D.P. = 1,7 
NP EN 12372:2006
Bending strength after freezing test  V.M. = 27,4 MPa
V.M.E. = 24,2 MPa
D.P. = 1,6
Nº cycles = 56
NP EN 12372:2006
NP EN 12371:2012
Water absorption at N.P. Conditions V.M. = 0,1 % EN 13755:2008
Compression breaking load  V.M. = 211 MPa
V.M.E. = 166 MPa
D.P. = 23 
NP EN 1926:2006
Compression breaking load after freezing test V.M. = 226 MPa
V.M.E. = 196 MPa
D.P. = 16
Nº cycles = 56 
NP EN 1926:2006
NP EN 12371:2010
Resistance to freezing - test tecnologic  The 10 samples were subjected to 56 cycles of freezing, after which any changes were not observed at visual (Classification 0) EN 12371:2010
Abrasion test "CAPON" V.M. = 15,0 mm
T.A. = Sawn 
EN 14157:2004
Impact test  Dry conditions
V.M. = 77 SRV
Wet conditions
V.M. = 54 SRV
T.A. = Sawn
EN 14231:2003